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Do you know how many pages your company prints? How about the cost of printing? And what your fleet inventory consists of? You're not alone if you don't know the answers to these questions. A recent report found that 67 per cent of businesses don't know basic print-related information. But, understanding your print environment and associated costs through a Managed Print Services (MPS) assessment is the first step to streamlining your fleet, maximising efficiency, and decreasing spending by up to six per cent of your annual revenue. 


The first step is to appoint a trusted vendor to conduct an assessment to set a baseline for your current print environment. In an evaluation, your chosen vendor will gather and review usage data for each device in your fleet. Standard operational information is initially collected, like how often each user prints to specific machines and the type of jobs issued—such as colour or black and white. Information about ink and toner levels is also collected during the initial stage of an assessment. This type of usage data helps your provider to perform a cost analysis to determine how much printing costs your business.  


The value in print assessments is realised by how you and your print vendor use the data outputs of the evaluation. By analysing the assessment results, your vendor can recommend value-added factors that resonate most with business owners, including enhanced productivity, cost savings, and improved security. Understanding your outputs, coupled with your vendor's expertise, allows your company to control user access to printers, improve efficiency, streamline and optimise device usage, and achieve quantifiable cost savings. 


Print assessments are most effective when administered with the help of a trusted MPS provider who has proven the results of their work. A dedicated provider will help you conduct the appropriate tests to produce usage data and develop and implement a print strategy that suits your unique business needs. This strategy will help your company leverage a standard office practice like printing. By completing an MPS assessment and implementing recommended MPS strategies, you can expect increased productivity and security while enhancing your bottom line. 

Contact us today to learn how Managed Print Services can take your business to the next level.

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