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  • Convert hard copy documents into searchable PDF's, simply scan through your Toshiba Multi-Function Device
  • Capture, analyse and process information in emails, faxes or scanned documents
  • Create automatic workflows that archive documents into the cloud or your local server

Flexible document capture platform that integrates with your existing information systems to create one-touch scanning workflows, from the panel of your multifunctional device.

Hardcopy document scanningImagine this, it's end of month and you are drowning in hardcopy documents that need to be processed, distributed and archived urgently. 

You have valuable staff and resources tied down to processing and scanning hardcopy invoices, supplier invoices, picking slips, delivery dockets and purchase orders. This process can be long, tedious and costly to your business. 

Toshiba has a solution that removes the headache and frustration but gives back in the form of time savings and freeing up valuable staff resources. 

Time poor workplaceIt's called e-BRIDGE Capture & Store. This solution digitises documents and improves efficiencies by creating intuitive workflows tailored to your business needs and automatically archiving them in the required file repository in the cloud or your local server. This saves space and the documents can be easily retrieved with a click of a button, not to mention that this is also cost-effective.  

It follows three simple steps, Capture, Process & Store. 




e-BRIDGE Capture & Store allows administrators to create automatic workflows through an easy-to-use web-based server interface. This allows users to quickly and easily set extensive workflows in motion. Seamless integration with Toshiba Multi-Function Devices converts paper based documents through its powerful OCR functionality into digital format to be automatically processed in the workflow

Not to mention digital documents that you receive by e-mail are quickly and automatically picked up and processed. This means you no longer have to process documents manually, saving you time, preventing manual errors and increasing efficiency.


Correctly naming and indexing documents is essential, so that you can quickly find them at a later date. With e-BRIDGE Capture & Store it gives you various index options to select. It is also possible to name and index automatically, without user intervention.

The built-in Optical character Recognition (OCR) functionality makes it possible to create documents that you can search, edit and archive. With zonal OCR and barcode recognition, specified data of a document is read, such as an invoice number or customer number. This information is then automatically saved with the document.

While processing documents, you can read information and add data in the form of annotations, stamps and barcodes.

Every organisation is unique when it comes to processing documents. For that reason, e-BRIDGE Capture & Store can be customised to your liking via a powerful scripting language and optional modules.


After scanning and processing, the document must be stored in the desired location. The integration with business application(s) is completed by means of connectors. These connectors ensure that documents and their associated metadata are easily and correctly stored in your system, such as SharePoint, Google Drive,

OneDrive, Salesforce, MYOB, M-Files and others. It is also possible to save simultaneously to different and/or multiple destinations, so you can take full advantage of a modern digital document workflow.

The e-BRIDGE Capture & Store Server is scalable and easily grows with specific needs. A wide variety of optional connectors and modules are available for creating customised workflow solutions.


Supported Operating Systems

The e-BRIDGE Capture & Store server application can be deployed on the following Windows operating systems

Fully supported:

Windows 10
Windows 11
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022

Technically supported but no longer supported by Microsoft Mainstream:

Windows Vista SP2 (32/64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32/64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (32/64-bit)
Windows 7 SP1 (32/64-bit)
Windows 8 (32/64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit)
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 r2

For more info about Microsoft Mainstream support please visit this page:


Technically supported means the software is installable and it runs under standard conditions till the current version. However since the OS version is no longer supported by Microsoft under the mainstream there might be specific updates required no longer available or specific updates which might conflict with newer e-BRIDGE Capture & Store components.

Supported Browser versions:

The application requires HTML5 and CSS3 to be supported in your browser. For this reason the application can be opened in:

Edge version 90 or higher 
Chrome version 14 or higher
Firefox version 11 or higher
Opera version 12 or higher
Safari version 6 or higher


Suggested browser is Chrome.

Running under Virtualization

e-BRIDGE Capture & Store server is supported in the most common virtual hardware environments, such as Microsoft Hyper-V, Oracle VM VirtualBox, VMWare and QEMU.

Hardware Recommendations

The hardware requirements for the e-BRIDGE Capture & Store server will depend greatly on the operating system selected, desired performance and workload placed onto it. Suggested configurations are as follows:

  Suggested minimum  Recommended
CPU Dual Core Quad Core
Memory 4GB RAM 8GB RAM 
Disk Space 80GB 160GB SSD
Network 100Mb 1Gb
Handling Scalable Scalable

Many components in the e-BRIDGE Capture & Store server are multithreaded, or designed to run as a separate process. Therefore these components may benefit from multicore-enabled operating systems and hardware; the client communication process and various CPU-intensive functions (such as the optical character recognition module) are examples of such components.

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