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Toshiba & customers replant 78,459 trees worldwide

Toshiba Australia & PrintReleaf

Sustainability and toshiba printreleafThere's no better time than the present to take action to help the environment and future generations. Carbon offsetting of the paper we use every day is a great place to start. PrintReleaf allows you to exactly measure and quantify your positive environmental contribution to students, staff and parents.

Toshiba was proud to be the first printer manufacturer in Australia to offer PrintReleaf, as part of our managed print services.

PrintReleaf is a system that encourages responsible printing, tracking a company's printed paper and planting new trees to replace it. It is an automated sustainability system that helps organisations and educational facilities like yours track their paper footprints and directly offsets this with reforestation projects worldwide.

PrintReleaf's eight reforestation projects around the world create local jobs and support disadvantaged communities in areas that would otherwise destroy natural resources.

Toshiba's customers can join the PrintReleaf program and have the ability to choose the planting location based on recommendations of the World Resources Institute's Global Forest Watch (GFW).

Toshiba customers can also receive a detailed summary of their paper consumption and will receive a certification of the number of trees planted in their chosen reforestation projects.

Through this CSR program, you can empower your organisation to be more environmentally friendly. Every time you print, you'll create a positive impact on the planet and global citizens!

Toshiba Australia customers currently have collectively offset the equivalent of just under 14 million total standard pages of paper consumption by reforesting 1,660 standard trees on the PrintReleaf Exchange.

Be part of the growing tide of organisations across the globe getting on the front foot with our environmental challenges.

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