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The Problem and Its Cost 

More than one-third of employees today spend at least 10 hours per week searching for information online, according to The average executive wastes six weeks per year searching for important documents. This data chaos is costly. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, it costs a company $20 to file a document, $120 to find a misplaced document and $220 to reproduce a lost document. Can your business afford to throw away that kind of money? 

Electronic Document Management

An Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) helps to solve the problem of document chaos

An Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) helps to solve the problem of document chaos. Capture documents, record the contents in searchable format, and link metadata with an EDRMS system. Once digitised, documents can be managed, distributed, searched, and archived with ease. EDRMS can preserve critical business information while protecting it, with options for roles-based permissions and automatic compliance with recordkeeping rules.

Benefits of EDRMS

Time Savings — Time formerly spent on traditional paper- and disk-based document searches is freed for value-adding work.

Optimal Security — Electronically-managed documents can be backed up and better protected from disasters and loss due to human error, misfiling, or theft.

Better Searching Indexing and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) makes searching digital documents fast and thorough. Look for keywords, account numbers, names, or other metadata.

Stronger Compliance

Digital document storage is simple and automated, storing documents for auditing or regulatory purposes.

Easier Sharing — With an EDRMS system, documents can be instantly shared or viewed. Version history and audit trails protect information and preserve transparency.

Document management can put an end to your onerous document searches, and today’s technology makes the transition to digital more straightforward than ever. 

Get in touch today to learn about EDRMS for your office.

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