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The Internet of Things has penetrated the logistics industry more than many people realise. 

Trucking is Connected.

Toshiba barcode logisticsToshiba connected transport.

The majority of transport trucks on the road today are actually more connected than even our homes and have been for over a decade. The industry has created its own term for this, IOTT (the Internet of Trucking Things), and fleets are working hard to further advance this innovative approach. IOTT has given fleets the ability to streamline their processes through integration with their TMS, keeping the roads safer and drivers happier with tools that allow them to focus on driving while costs are reduced.

Reducing Paper

According to the Wall Street Journal it is estimated that by 2020 50 billion devices will be Internet-ready, which is expected to generate $1.9 trillion in economic value in the supply chain and logistics sector over the next 10 years.

With the Electronic Onboard Recording industry now well established in trucking (and Electronic Onboard Recording soon to become a legal requirement), drivers are dispatched, routed and instructions given for loading and unloading with a single tap on a tablet device. MPG, idle, speed and IFTA reports are all completed automatically, integrated into a fleet’s Transportation Management System and emailed to managers for viewing on their screens before staff meetings. Driver log books are electronic and in-cab tablets allow drivers to stay connected to the office and to home 24 hours a day. The industry has done a fantastic job of utilising the technology available to operate and manage their fleets’ workflows more effectively and eliminate the majority of paper processes that trucking used to operate by. However, not all of that paperwork is gone!

Paperwork That Can’t Be Eliminated

Throughout the day logistics companies generate a great deal of paperwork from customer pickups and deliveries that can’t be eliminated. Although a majority have established highly effective internally integrated workflows, it’s the external factors that can’t be controlled. Proof of Deliveries, Bill of Lading, Border paperwork and toll receipts are just some of the externally generated paper that comes through the office every day.

So the real challenge now is this: how to integrate EXTERNAL paperwork into INTERNAL workflows.

External Paperwork in Internal Workflows

Although basic scanning and OCR has been around for decades.....the factors and capabilities to access your scanned documents have evolved and document workflow software is the key to maximizing this potential. With your transport truck now connected, smart phone and tablets able to function as a PC, and a huge variety of software's now running your business the ability to scan your external document from any location and any device is a game changer for your business. This type of tool will ensure speed, accuracy, cost savings and allow you to bring the EXTERNAL WORKFLOW in to the INTERNAL WORKFLOW.

Assessing External Workflows

There are four key factors to be considered when determining how to integrate external paperwork.

  1. When is the document produced and from what physical locations?
  2. How is the document currently identified internally for processing?
  3. Once processed where does the document go and who gets it there?
  4. Where are the Pain points in your workflow?

Whether carried out by administrative staff, billing staff, general staff or software, understanding how external paperwork is currently brought in is essential to determining how document scanning technology can help perform the process more effectively. 

Eliminating pain points in workflow

Like any piece of software it's only helpful to your business if it solves your pain.....If after assessing your current external workflow you're able to determine that there is no pain....then great news and keep on trucking.....however I believe it's safe to say that no process is perfect and there are always ways to improve and help your fleets day to day operations run better.

That is where we at Toshiba can help as our company has been providing business's with the tools to run better for over 35 years. Since our first printer in 1979 we have been helping customers manage their paper workflow all over the globe.

To learn more about our document management tools visit, call 1300 794 202 and email or

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