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Toshiba's 'Smart Community' combining 'life' and 'technology'.
The 'Human Smart Community' is Toshiba's vision of an ideal future for a 'safe, secure, and comfortable society'. 

The three most important business operation areas for Toshiba are 'Energy', 'Cloud and Data storage' and 'Healthcare'. In line with this new focus and business portfolio, our vision of the 'Human Smart Community' will always work upon putting people's well-being first.

We envision a future where everyone, everywhere in the world, can enjoy a flourishing, vibrant life. Also, we collectively refer to the Toshiba technologies, products and services providing people with a better quality of life as 'lifenology'. 

Rather than relying on a single technology or product itself, by combining know-how derived from our wide range of technologies and services, we will create new value for people around the world. 

'Lifenology' as a global vision of Toshiba will be applied internationally. Toshiba plans to concentrate on applying this vision by focusing on people and their lives to create solutions that can make a difference. 

Our vision and objectives are to deliver a superior life to our customers through our technological innovations; technologies that are in harmony with human lives.

Key points to consider

  • In the 'Human Smart Community' Toshiba envisions is a safe, secure and comfortable society
  • Toshiba Group has added Healthcare to Energy, Cloud and Storage as the third main pillar of business
  • 'Human Smart Community' always puts people's well-being first
  • Toshiba envisions a future where everyone in the world enjoys a flourishing and vibrant life
  • 'Lifenology' (life + technology) collectively refers to technologies, products and services by Toshiba that will provide quality of life to people
  • Rather than relying on a single technology or product itself, by combining the know-how derived from a wide range of technologies and services, Toshiba will create new value for people around the world
  • With 'lifenology', Toshiba will realise the 'Human Smart Community'

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