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Our Commitments

Sustainability is embedded in our corporate philosophy as we strive to support a sustainable environment in all our business activities.

Toshiba take our responsibility to the planet and our people seriously. Toshiba has a clear goal for the future of the planet; we plan to leave the earth in a better state than today. We are committed to work with 17 United Nations Global Compact Goals to improve the earth and the future of life. We treat all upstream processes and packaging in a sustainable manner, and downstream all equipment is disposed of in accordance with e-Cycle Solutions.

This is to protect people’s health and safety as well as the world’s natural resources. For this reason, Toshiba complies with all applicable international, regional and national standards, laws, regulations, agreements, industry guidelines and company rules.


Local memberships

We are members of the following:

Australian Packaging Covenant

Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) is a commitment by industry and governments to help manage and minimise the impacts of packaging in Australia.

Toshiba is proud to be a recent signatory to the APC and is busy implementing this important initiative throughout the business. We will be reporting on activities in the area as data builds and in accordance with APC guidelines.

Toshiba is an APC Memeber



Sustainable Downstream Disposal Practices

Through our partnership with E-Cycle Solutions and TechCollect, Toshiba ensures e-waste is recycled responsibly turning raw materials back into new products, leading to a decrease in land and ocean waste. 

Toshiba TEC has reduced Co2 emissions in manufacturing by 20% since 2011

Paperless Printing

Toshiba's local R&D developed a bespoke test system that provides the same test results without the need to print an actual page. 

Given Toshiba's heavy paper requirements for Raster Imaging Process (RIP) testing, this would otherwise equate to the consumption of almost 24,000 trees a year. 

We knew this had to change and implemented a paperless printing process. Now millions of pages can be virtually printed without a single piece of paper being used. 


One tree equals 8333 sheets of paper


Solar at Toshiba

Sustainable Power at NDC

In Australia, we power our National Distribution Centre (NDC) by solar, sustainable wind and hydro electric energy. We use energy effectively to reduce Co2 emissions by carrying out a variety of actions.

Over the past 8 years, we have achieved a 30% water reduction in our product manufacturing process as well as implemented the usage of LED and natural lighting in all Toshiba sites. 


Global alliances

We are signatories of the following globally:




Further Info

Find out more about Toshiba and Sustainability please leave your details here and we’ll contact you.

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