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Success Story

Customer: Maroochy RSL

Country: Australia

Industry: Hospitality

Since moving to a Managed Service with Toshiba, Maroochy RSL have been able to reduce print related expenditure by more than 20 percent.

The Maroochy RSL is a sub- branch of the Returned Services League of Australia, located in Maroochydore, Queensland.

Maroochy RSL employs approximately 120 staff and features a bistro, a cafe, four bars, gaming, a kids club, entertainment and an events centre.

The Success Story

Maroochy RSL

Since moving to a Managed Service with Toshiba, Maroochy RSL has been able to reduce print related expenditure by approximately 20 percent.

Steve Paino, Systems Administrator at Maroochy RSL, said that the club has been able to realise these savings through a simplified and consolidated print fleet.

“We have considerably improved our print outgoings because we are no longer trying to run multiple inefficient desktop printers. We now rely more on a network of centralised multifunction devices,” said Steve.

The integration of software and some simple print rules has also generated further savings.

“Default black and white printing has allowed us to reduce colour printing by a third,” said Steve.

But, Steve insists it’s about more than the considerable reductions in overheads.

“We have also made considerable savings in time, resources and productivity. I now spend very little time on managing our print infrastructure, and we are now without interruptions to our business caused by defective equipment.”

Support software installed by Toshiba provides Maroochy RSL with regular reports, so that they now have a complete picture of their print environment and can track usage and spending. It also provides automatic management of servicing and consumables ordering.

“Ordering of consumables is completely automated. Parts and toner just show up on my desk, as required. Everything is seamless. I no longer have to worry about our print fleet. I can now focus on other tasks,” said Steve.

The significant improvement in the quality of print output has also enabled them to shift away from outsourcing certain print jobs.

“We now do virtually all of our printing in-house which has provided further cost savings,” said Steve.

“We have considerably improved our print outgoings because we are no longer trying to run multiple inefficient desktop printers. We now rely more on a network of centralised multifunction devices,” - Steve Paino, Systems Administrator.

The Road to Success 

When Steve Paino came into the role at Maroochy RSL, he could see the running of the business was being hampered, rather than enhanced, by the print infrastructure.

At the time, the RSL was part way through a lease agreement on its multifunction devices and was also relying on numerous different brands of desktop printers. These were expensive to run and labour intensive to manage.

“We were grappling with poor pricing, a lengthy lease period and equipment that was increasingly problematic. Dealing with faulty equipment and ordering parts and toner for so many different devices was a huge time waster,” said Steve.

“On top of this, our colour printing was excessively high. A large proportion of the colour printing was completely unnecessary; whereby staff had a colour printer set as a default and were just printing without thinking about it. It was plain to see that we needed to take action,” said Steve.

“Toshiba showed genuine interest in wanting to help us to improve our business. They didn’t just try to sell us a product. They checked in with us several times and even offered assistance regardless of whether or not we took their product. This swayed me to recommend them to management,” 

- Steve Paino, Systems Administrator

“I was keen to minimise the number of printers we were running and to make our fleet more uniform, by engaging a single brand,” continued Steve.

So, Maroochy RSL went to market, supplying vendors with their print statistics and a guide of the direction in which they wanted to head.

“Toshiba showed genuine interest in wanting to help us to improve our business. They didn’t just try to sell us a product. They checked in with us several times and even offered assistance regardless of whether or not we took their product. This swayed me to recommend them to management,” said Steve.

Implementation began in mid April 2014 and was conducted in three stages, over a three week period, to minimise disruption.

“It was a very smooth process. All printers were delivered on time and the Toshiba technicians had them installed the very next day. No issues at all,” said Steve.

The Outlook

One of the defining features of Toshiba Managed Services is that they can be reviewed and adjusted throughout the contract term, to ensure they remain pertinent to the client.

Maroochy RSL have quarterly reviews as part of their agreement. So far, they have conducted one formal review.

“We are very happy with the direction we are going in. With Toshiba’s help, we are now measuring and actively managing our fleet. We have reduced costs and made our staff more aware to consider what they are printing, and we have seen a change in culture print-wise,” said Steve.

Through the review process, and the relationship and regular contact Steve has with their account manager, Maroochy RSL has confidence in Toshiba.

“There is no question about Toshiba’s ability to continue to meet our needs. I am in regular contact with our account manager.

We discuss how things are going and he suggests new ideas that might help us realise further efficiencies. They also have specialist business resources that can help our workflows and business intelligence. I am sure whatever direction we want to move in the future, Toshiba will be able to work with us and accommodate our needs,” concluded Steve.


Maroochy RSL

Memorial Avenue
Maroochydore QLD 4558

Telephone 07 5443 2211


Toshiba (Australia) Pty Ltd 

1 Eden Park Drive
Macquarie Park NSW 2113

Telephone 1300 794 202


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